Out with the old? When and how to re-name your brand

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What is brand renaming?

Brand renaming is the process of changing a brand’s name to reflect a shift in strategy, merge identities, or improve brand perception.

Does your brand name lack appeal to your audience, seem overly antiquated, or bear the weight of not-so-positive past associations? If yes, revamping your brand’s name might be just the shot in the arm your company needs to rejuvenate its perception and connect with your market more effectively.


The name you choose for your brand is way more important than just a fancy label. It’s like the heart of your business, representing what you’re all about. Think of big brands like Apple or Nike. When you hear those names, you immediately think of innovation, simplicity, inspiration, and athleticism.

A unique and recognizable brand name can make a huge difference in a crowded market. It’s like when people say Kleenex instead of tissues or Xerox instead of photocopying. These brands have become so synonymous with their products that we use their names as verbs! By standing out with a catchy name, businesses can get noticed and get an edge on their competition.


With today’s blinding pace of business changes, it’s critical to align your brand with evolving audience attitudes and industry shifts. This becomes especially important when breaking into global markets, where your name might not resonate due to cultural or linguistic differences. And let’s not forget the youthful demographics – they are always on the lookout for brands that echo with freshness and modernity.

Moreover, having a distinctive brand name can be the line between rising above the competitive, and getting lost in the crowd. A strategic rebranding can also prevent potential legal hassles from overlapping names or trademarks and pave the way for a fresh start when merging with or acquiring another company.


Step 1: Review Your Brand Image: Assess customer perception—does your brand name still spark joy and connection with your target market, or has it lost its luster? Keeping pace with changing trends is not just good practice; it’s imperative.

Step 2: Accommodate Business Growth: If your business story has new chapters since inception, your name should encapsulate this growth to reflect the vibrancy and scope of what you do now.

Step 3: Clear Negative Associations: Is your brand name muddled by past controversies or outdated imagery? A fresh start with a new name can disassociate from past woes and reposition your brand positively.

Step 4: Creative and Strategic Revamp: Considering a change? Your new brand name needs to strike the perfect balance between standout appeal and market positioning while being digestible for your audience. It should roll off the tongue, stick in memory, and be digitally available, ensuring your unique online presence is harmoniously aligned with your real-world persona.

By refining the strategic, creative, and technical aspects, you’ll shape an identity that truly reflects your business’s heart and future aspirations.


You’ve come up with the perfect brand name, only to discover that someone else has already claimed it. Here’s what you need to know about potential legal hurdles:

  • Trademark Troubles: Trademarks are like name tags for businesses, protecting their exclusive rights to a name, logo, or slogan. You might face legal battles if your chosen brand name clashes with an existing trademark. Before settling on a name, do your due diligence and search for existing trademarks to avoid any nasty surprises.

One example of a well-known brand that faced trademark troubles is Apple Inc. n the early 2000s, Apple got into a legal dispute with The Beatles’ record label, Apple RecordsThe Beatles’ company claimed that Apple Inc.’s use of the “Apple” name for their music-related products infringed upon their trademark rights. This led to several lawsuits and negotiations between the two parties. Eventually, the companies settled in 2007, allowing Apple Inc. to continue using “Apple” for their music products while acknowledging certain restrictions to avoid confusion with Apple Records’ music-related business. This case highlights the importance of conducting thorough trademark searches and being aware of potential conflicts before settling on a brand name.

  • Confusingly Similar Names: Even if a brand name doesn’t match an existing trademark, it could still need to be clarified for the marketplace. Courts look at factors like the similarity of goods or services, the target audience, and the likelihood of confusion. Ensure your chosen name stands out and won’t get you tangled in legal messiness.

When Titan Sports, a wrestling company, decided to change its name to the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), it found itself embroiled in a legal battle with another WWF, the World Wildlife FundThis legal dispute, which lasted for 13 years, arose because the conservation charity wanted to protect its brand from any association with wrestling, which it viewed as “unsavory.”

In 2001, a court in London ruled in favor of the World Wildlife Fund, acknowledging their concerns and granting them the rights to the WWF acronym. However, the World Wrestling Federation was not willing to accept defeat easily. They challenged the ruling, but their appeal was ultimately dismissed. Still unwilling to back down, the wrestling company even threatened to continue the legal fight by pursuing further appeals.

Ultimately, the wrestlers had to concede defeat and underwent a significant rebranding effort. They spent millions on rebranding as the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). They devised the marketing slogan, “Get The ‘F’ Out.” The victory went to the World Wildlife Fund, symbolically represented by a cute panda bear. A spokesperson for the conservation charity expressed joy, stating, “It’s been the wrestlers against a cute little panda bear. And the panda won.”

Finding the Perfect Brand Name Without Legal Trouble

Embarking on the quest for the perfect brand name is a journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but it’s also a path laden with legal intricacies that can turn your dream into a daunting challenge. To navigate this landscape without falling into the pitfalls of trademark infringement, the first step is akin to becoming a vigilant detective. Dive into the depths of trademark databases such as the USPTO, or better yet, enlist the wisdom of a trademark attorney right from the start. Their expertise is like a compass in murky waters, ensuring you’re not unwittingly encroaching on another’s intellectual territory. This initial groundwork isn’t just a precaution; it’s your first investment in the longevity and uniqueness of your brand’s identity—laying a foundation that’s free from the shadows of disputes and litigation.

However, even the most meticulously planned voyages can encounter storms, and you might find yourself at the crossroads of a potential legal conflict. Here’s where you pivot with grace. View this not as a setback but as a serendipitous opportunity for transformation. Consulting with trademark professionals can illuminate paths you hadn’t considered—be it a slight modification to your initial idea, a collaborative agreement, or a bold rebranding strategy. Should a rebrand be on the horizon, look at it through a lens of renewal and rejuvenation. It’s a powerful chance to redefine your brand, ensuring it resonates more profoundly with your audience and stands out in the digital marketplace. Rebranding isn’t merely about changing a name; it’s about inviting your community to be part of your brand’s evolution, turning potential adversity into a story of innovation and persistence. After all, in the dynamic ecosystem of business, agility, creativity, and connection are your most invaluable assets.



Imagine two powerhouse companies teaming up to create a whole new player in the game. But what happens to their brand names when they merge or get acquired? Hold tight because things are about to get exciting and confusing for consumers.

When two companies come together, they must determine how their brand names fit into this new partnership. Sometimes, they spruce up their brand names to reflect their shared values and create a fresh identity that captures the best of both worlds. Other times, they make subtle changes that keep the essence of both original brands.

In the end, mergers and acquisitions bring new possibilities and fresh perspectives. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to witness the birth of a new era. Who knows what exciting things await us on this thrilling journey?


With all this reshuffling, how can we keep up with our favorite brands amidst the chaos? Here are some tips to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of brand name transitions:

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on reliable sources, like industry publications and credible news outlets. These sources will give insights into potential mergers or acquisitions that could impact your beloved brands. Being well-informed allows you to anticipate changes before they happen.
  • Embrace the New: Change can be intimidating, but don’t let it dampen your enthusiasm.  Give the new brand name a chance, and you might fall in love again.
  • Remember the Legacy: Sometimes, brand names that have stood the test of time are retained after a merger or acquisition. These “heritage” names hold a special place in our hearts and serve as a bridge between the old and the new. Be prepared to see familiar logos and slogans, even if they might receive a modern twist.
  • Patience is Key: Big changes take time, and transitioning brand names is no exception. Companies go through meticulous planning and testing to ensure a smooth shift. So, be patient and trust that your favorite brands are doing their best to make the transition seamless.


  • Cooper Tires and Goodrich Corporation:

In 2012, global tire manufacturer Cooper Tires acquired the tire business of Goodrich Corporation, which resulted in a new company called The new name aimed to reflect the expanded range of products and services under the merged company and signal a shift in the company’s priorities. The new name highlighted the two critical components of the merged enterprise: Tires and rubber, and it demonstrated a renewed focus on innovation and the intersection of green technology, marking the latest phase of the company’s evolution.

  • British Petroleum to BP:

The name change of British Petroleum to BP in 2000 was initiated as a result of a merger and acquisition. British Petroleum, a multinational oil and gas company, underwent a series of mergers and acquisitions to expand its operations and global presence.

1998, British Petroleum acquired Amoco, an American oil company, in one of the largest mergers. The merger consolidated their resources, assets, and expertise, positioning the company for further growth and expansion.

To reflect the integration of Amoco and the company’s evolving strategic direction, British Petroleum underwent a rebranding effort in 2000. The name change from British Petroleum to BP was a significant part of this rebranding. It represented the combined entity of the two companies.

The new name BP was chosen to signify a shift towards a more environmentally focused approach and to position the company as a leader in sustainable energy solutions. This rebranding effort communicated BP’s commitment to investing in renewable energy sources and reducing carbon emissions.


Rebranding is a process that can breathe new life into companies, enhancing their appeal and relevance. But have you ever stopped to wonder how these transformations take place? Behind every successful rebrand lies an assembled team with expertise, passion, and creativity.

The rebranding starts with building the right team – talented individuals with specialized skills and a deep understanding of the brand’s core values. These individuals bring diverse perspectives when crafting a rebranding strategy, setting the stage for success. Each team member plays a unique role, contributing their design, marketing, research, and communication expertise to ensure a holistic and effective transformation.

Rebranding is not just about refreshing a company’s look and feel but a strategic move to stay competitive and relevant in an ever-evolving market. The right team can help uncover the underlying reasons behind the need for a rebrand by conducting comprehensive market research and analysis. They delve into the company’s target audience and competitors, aiming to uncover insights that will guide the rebranding process and create a distinctive position for the brand in the market.

Once the team understands the company’s ethos, target audience, and goals, they craft a comprehensive rebranding plan. This plan outlines the steps and actions required to execute a successful transformation. The team delves into every detail, from logo design and visual identity to messaging and brand voice, ensuring consistency and coherence throughout the rebrand.

A rebranding effort is only completed by engaging the employees and customers with a vested interest in the brand. The team leverages their expertise to involve these stakeholders, making them feel valued and included. This inclusivity fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty, propelling the rebrand forward by transforming employees into brand ambassadors and customers into avid supporters.


In the vibrant dance of rebranding, clear and engaging communication with your team and customers isn’t just important—it’s the spotlight move. Think of rebranding as a chance to refresh your brand’s narrative, ensuring it echoes loudly in the vast hall of the marketplace.

Uniting Your Team for Change: Starting within, rebranding is akin to orchestrating a symphony where every musician feels vital to the performance. Share with your team the essence of this transformation—why it’s happening, and how it’ll shape a brighter, shared future. Illuminate the path forward by showcasing the new visual and tonal symphony you’re about to play. It’s about crafting an inclusive narrative, making every member an enthusiastic participant in the brand’s evolving story.

Enthralling Your Customers with Your Journey: Turning outward, your customers deserve a front-row seat to your rebranding show. Be open about the why and the what of the changes, ensuring they feel like insiders privy to your brand’s new chapter. It’s crucial to maintain a dialogue that’s both informative and invitational—let them know what’s evolving, but also, what core values remain unchanged. Your aim? To transform this rebrand into a collaborative journey, one where their feedback and engagement help shape the future.

This approach isn’t just about making changes—it’s about making changes that resonate, fostering a deep, loyal connection both internally and externally. Rebranding, conducted with strategic communication at its heart, isn’t merely a change; it’s a powerful renewal of commitment to your brand’s unique identity and values.


Rebranding doesn’t mark the end of the journey, it’s just the beginning. Keep evolving and adapting to the ever-changing market landscape. Stay ahead of the curve by staying updated on industry trends and consumer preferences. Always be open to reinvention and improvement. Remember, the world moves fast, and so should your brand.

Rebranding is an exhilarating yet challenging process. But with the right mindset, strategies, and a dash of courage, you can turn those challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Embrace change, communicate, seek feedback, and stay consistent. Once you’ve rebranded, don’t rest on your laurels. Keep pushing boundaries, evolving, and shining bright like the savvy brand guru you are. Get ready to flourish like a boss!

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